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Property Division Issues

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What should you avoid doing if you’re in the middle of a divorce?

For most divorcing couples, property division is one of the most important and high-stakes parts of the process. In Georgia, divorcing spouses must divide their marital assets equitably. Each party must get a fair share of the marital property, but the two of them are not required to divide them exactly 50-50. Of course, you

What should you avoid doing if you’re in the middle of a divorce? Read More »

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Can you get the engagement and wedding rings back in divorce?

Typically, engagement and wedding rings aren’t among the assets that couples typically spend a lot of time battling over during divorce. Usually, gifts that a spouse receives individually (including those from their husband or wife) are considered separate property that they’re allowed to keep. If they no longer want to hang onto them, they may sell them,

Can you get the engagement and wedding rings back in divorce? Read More »

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3 things that could complicate property division in divorce

While the state sets out how you must divide property in a divorce, applying those rules to your situation is not always straightforward. As a married couple, you probably own more than you think. You likely have financial worth stored in many other forms, be it bank accounts, expensive furniture, investment portfolios or property. Accounting

3 things that could complicate property division in divorce Read More »