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Accommodations are an important aspect of custody decisions

Although there are many factors that go into deciding child custody rights in Georgia divorce cases, living accommodations are often considered to be some of the most important. Whether a parent receives sole custody, joint custody or no custody at all can hinge upon the ability to provide a nurturing environment where a child will

Accommodations are an important aspect of custody decisions Read More »

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Post-divorce co-parenting during the holidays

Separated or divorced parents in Georgia tend to have more to deal with than most families do during the holidays. For one thing, there’s more potential for conflicts and confrontations due to increased back-and-forth travel between homes. School breaks can also be a source of contention if adjustments will need to be made with existing

Post-divorce co-parenting during the holidays Read More »

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Tips for parents helping children find stability after divorce

Georgia parents who are getting a divorce can help their children adjust by disrupting their routine as little as possible. If the kids are going back and forth between households, parents can agree on a set of rules and consequences. A child should be allowed to stay in the same school if possible. Relationships with

Tips for parents helping children find stability after divorce Read More »

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Deciding what to do with the family home after a divorce

The family home is usually the most valuable asset that a divorcing couple owns. Therefore, deciding whether or not it should be sold is often a contentious issue during property division negotiations. Spouses in Georgia may choose to give up their rights to ownership of the family residence by signing a quitclaim deed, but doing

Deciding what to do with the family home after a divorce Read More »