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Do LBGTQ parents in Georgia have child custody rights?

LBGTQ parents who are divorcing in Georgia may face different circumstances for child custody than traditional couples, which could make even a non-contested divorce difficult. While a 2015 bill offered laws to guide same-sex divorcing couples, it did not mention parenting laws, which left one spouse in the marriage with few visitation or custody rights. […]

Do LBGTQ parents in Georgia have child custody rights? Read More »

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What to know about concealed assets during divorce

In Georgia, nearly all property that either spouse acquires during marriage automatically becomes shared marital property. When a couple separates, marital property is subject to equitable distribution by the court, including vehicles, the family home, bank accounts and investments, regardless of whose name is on a title or account.  Unfortunately, when a divorce is contentious,

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How is marital property divided in Georgia?

Dividing marital property is potentially one of the most complicated and emotional topics to discuss in a divorce dispute. You may have become attached to items you accumulated during your marriage, and may have trouble parting with them once you separate. Whether you choose to divide marital property through mediation or through courtroom litigation, it

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