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High-asset Divorce

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How to split a business when a marriage ends

Dividing assets may be challenging in a divorce case. However, if a married couple owned a business together, this could make the property division process even more complicated. While Georgia law may provide guidance, the parties to the divorce itself should take steps to ensure a smooth division of the family business. The initial step […]

How to split a business when a marriage ends Read More »

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Addressing unique cryptocurrency problems related to divorce

A couple getting a divorce in Georgia often has to divide marital assets that include joint financial or investment accounts and the home that was shared during the marriage. Even something like jointly accumulated debt is fairly easy to split since it’s not too difficult to document it. But when marital assets include virtual currency

Addressing unique cryptocurrency problems related to divorce Read More »

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High-asset gray divorces may necessitate legal counsel

In Georgia, gray divorces are on the rise. Gray divorce is a term referring to an older couple with gray or white hair. Once the spouses pass the age of 50, they obtain a gray divorce. Also known as diamond splitters and silver splitters, divorced older spouses were initially referred to as gray divorcees. Although

High-asset gray divorces may necessitate legal counsel Read More »

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Strategies to reduce messy conflicts in high-assets divorces

When a wealthy Georgia couple decides to end their marriage, the high stakes could inspire lengthy disputes and costly court battles. Such drama is not inevitable, however, as long as the spouses manage their emotions and embrace compromises. Individuals with a high net worth might also run companies, and they should consider how the divorce

Strategies to reduce messy conflicts in high-assets divorces Read More »

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How entrepreneurs can protect business assets during a divorce

Individuals going through the divorce process in Georgia may need to consider how they will share custody, who will get ownership of the home, and how they will divide shared assets. The situation becomes more challenging when one or both spouses are entrepreneurs. In this case, one’s business could be the largest asset that they

How entrepreneurs can protect business assets during a divorce Read More »