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High-asset gray divorces may necessitate legal counsel

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In Georgia, gray divorces are on the rise. Gray divorce is a term referring to an older couple with gray or white hair. Once the spouses pass the age of 50, they obtain a gray divorce. Also known as diamond splitters and silver splitters, divorced older spouses were initially referred to as gray divorcees. Although fewer couples have been obtaining divorces during the past two decades, gray divorces continue to escalate.

Numerous reasons exist for gray divorces. The main reason for gray divorce centers on finances. Money management often triggers the filing of a gray divorce, particularly if the husband earns less money than his wife. A gray divorce typically presents many difficulties when the couple has accumulated tremendous wealth and assets. Any gray divorce involving financial holdings and extensive personal properties requires the assistance of a high-asset divorce lawyer.

One major reason older couples get divorced is that the spouses are no longer able to work out their differences. As time goes on, older individuals are apt to change. Sometimes these changes make it so that a couple is no longer compatible. Spouses may not realize that their marriages lack romance and excitement until they are both older. Eventually, the marriages fall apart. When this happens, the couple decides to get divorced even if this means ending a long-term marriage. Many couples are able to obtain favorable settlements when they work with a divorce attorney.

When an older couple gets divorced, the outcome is often positive. Each person is able to get a fresh start in life and free to make his or her own choices. Consequently, each individual experiences a sense of newfound freedom. Even so, complicated financial decisions often cause difficulties in high-asset divorce cases. An older couple seeking a divorce should have an initial consultation with a high-asset divorce attorney.

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