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Divorced dads want to share in the lives of their children

The bond between a child and his or her mother begins at the moment of birth but forming a solid father-child relationship takes a bit more time. Fathers certainly have rights with regard to their children, but if the parents divorce, what happens to those rights? More time together Organizations that champion the rights of

Divorced dads want to share in the lives of their children Read More »

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How can my ex-spouse receive my retirement benefits in a divorce?

In Georgia, courts divide property and assets on an equitable basis. In other words, they attempt to distribute your property fairly. That includes all property classified as marital property. Separate property—like gifts or inheritances—does not go through the division process. In considering what is fair, courts factor in matters like home and property contributions or even contributions

How can my ex-spouse receive my retirement benefits in a divorce? Read More »