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How does marital waste affect your divorce?

Determining the division of your marital property is a crucial aspect of your divorce process. In Georgia, courts aim for an equitable distribution of assets. A spouse may attempt to hide assets, deplete marital finances or give away property out of spite. This behavior can significantly affect the outcome of your settlement. Is your spouse […]

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The impact of divorcing later in life

Divorcing later in life, commonly known as “gray divorce,” is more common than ever. According to Forbes, there are three reasons for this phenomenon. For one, more women earn an independent income, which makes divorce more realistic. Secondly, increasing life expectancy means fewer couples are content to settle for an ongoing undesirable partnership. The third reason

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What is divorce mediation and is it the best option for you?

When spouses have decided to end their marriage, they may want to explore divorce options other than litigation. Mediation is a process that has gained in popularity because of the many benefits it offers over a traditional divorce in court. Mediation versus litigation Mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution. As opposed to litigation, divorce

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What to expect when filing for divorce in Georgia, part 2

Even if you have been through a divorce before, you may not know everything about filing for divorce in the Peach State. While this previous post provides some valuable insight into the filing process and divorce time frames, you may have additional questions before taking the first step to end your marriage. Often, Georgians who want to

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