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Can you modify a child support order?

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Parents who need to change a child support order must go through the right channels. A verbal agreement with a child’s other parent is not sufficient because an order to pay support originates from a court. Parents need to officially modify an order to avoid violating it.

There are several situations that may warrant a review of a support obligation. Here are some things that Georgia parents should know about modifying a child support order.

Loss of income

Statutory law governing child support payments authorizes modifications in which a parent experiences a substantial change in income. In general, a parent losing at least 25% of his or her income would constitute a substantial change. Likewise, a considerable increase in income may call for a reevaluation of a support order.

Custody changes

The amount of support that parents have to pay may depend largely on how much time their children spend in their care. If children begin spending more time with one parent than they previously had, it may create grounds to reevaluate a support order.


Child care expenses will not always remain the same. Parents may have to review support orders together as children develop additional or fewer needs related to important things such as their health care or education.

Child support obligations in Indiana are not always formulaic. When a judge hears a request for modification, he or she will carefully evaluate the individual circumstances surrounding what parents can pay and what their children need. Judges’ primary objective will always be fair and equitable support orders that adequately serve the best interests of children.

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