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Can you tell if your divorce will be amicable or contentious?

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Spouses generally view an imminent divorce in one of two ways. They expect it to be far worse than it is in most situations, or they believe it will be relatively easy.

The truth of divorce lies somewhere in the middle. Another uncomfortable truth is you cannot always predict how you or your spouse will handle the divorce.

Signs of a potentially messy divorce

Sometimes, those ordinarily prone to emotional outbursts accept the prospect of divorce easily. Other times, even the most level-headed people become angry and combative. If you fear a messy divorce, look for these possible indicators:

  • Neither party can compromise
  • You cannot agree on any divorce issue
  • High emotions disrupt every attempt to talk
  • Both parties demand to have custody of the kids
  • You have a lot of high-worth or sentimental marital property

When imagined slights, actual divorce issues and unreasonably strong emotions converge, it usually indicates a messy, possibly contested divorce.

Possible advantages of a contested divorce

Most people try to avoid a fault-based or contested divorce because it usually takes longer and places decision-making power with a judge. However, there are several benefits associated with contested divorces:

  • A comprehensive review of the issues by a judge
  • The opportunity to assert your rights before a family court
  • A better chance of finding hidden assets in the discovery process

Although you might not accurately predict how your divorce will play out, try not to be too alarmed if it becomes contested. You can still fight for your rights and acquire a favorable outcome for yourself and your kids. Learning more about contested and uncontested divorce in Georgia prepares you to present your case successfully.

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