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Couples who choose mediation control the outcome of their divorce

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A traditional divorce in court is a process that takes place in public and at the end of it, the parties have to abide by the decisions of a judge.

On the other hand, mediation offers privacy and other advantages including the ability of the couple to control the outcome of their divorce.

Understanding the process

Divorce mediation is a type of alternative dispute resolution that takes place outside of court. The parties meet with a trained mediator, a neutral third party who offers guidance as they work together to develop a divorce agreement satisfactory to them both. As opposed to litigation, mediation allows and encourages open communication.

Resolving issues

Spouses who opt for mediation may agree on most of the major issues they face in their divorce. However, when sticking points arise, the mediator asks questions for the sake of clarification, identifies alternatives for resolving issues and provides pertinent information about the legal system.

Managing emotions

As compared with litigation, mediation reduces stress. The mediator keeps discussions on track and does not allow anger to take over. Even couples who are prone to high anxiety find that this is a peaceful and respectful process in which they can create their own workable divorce agreement.

Building a future

Divorcing parents find mediation especially beneficial since studies show it is much easier on children than litigation, which can be a lengthy and often contentious process. The ability to communicate openly is helpful as parents continue raising their children in a post-divorce world. The future looks brighter in large part because couples who choose mediation are able to control the outcome of their divorce.

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