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It’s not too early to plan your summer custody schedule

You might protest that it’s not even spring break for most kiddos. But the reality is that successful summertime co-parenting requires plenty of advance notice about vacations and other summer events. If this is your first season as a separated family, planning the logistics of often radically different summer custody arrangements can be overwhelming. Why you need

It’s not too early to plan your summer custody schedule Read More »

Family signing a contract in a room

3 crucial parenting issues to address in a parenting plan

A parenting plan that co-parents craft together or that the Georgia family courts order will determine much concerning a family’s circumstances following a separation or divorce. A parenting plan will typically include a breakdown of how parents will divide time with their children and how decisions will be made in their interests. Parenting plans also typically include

3 crucial parenting issues to address in a parenting plan Read More »