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How can my ex-spouse receive my retirement benefits in a divorce?

In Georgia, courts divide property and assets on an equitable basis. In other words, they attempt to distribute your property fairly. That includes all property classified as marital property. Separate property—like gifts or inheritances—does not go through the division process. In considering what is fair, courts factor in matters like home and property contributions or even contributions […]

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Why is it important to establish paternity?

Georgia fathers like you may wonder about establishing paternity. If married, paternity is often established automatically. But what if you never married? Unmarried fathers often have to go through more complex steps to establish paternity.  Still, some professionals would argue that establishing paternity is worth the extra steps. After all, there are many benefits you

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How do Georgia courts divide property during divorce?

Despite dropping rates, divorce remains far from uncommon in the U.S. According to the American Psychological Association, somewhere between 40 and 50% of American marriages ultimately break down. Even when couples try to separate on good terms, dividing shared property can involve immense stress and uncertainty. In addition to practical and legal considerations, breaking up the family estate frequently

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High-asset divorce and child custody

When it comes to the divorce process, those with significant assets are often especially concerned about various issues related to ending their marriage, including property division and their financial obligations following the divorce (such as alimony and child support). Moreover, some who are involved in a high-asset divorce worry about their custody rights and how

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