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What rights do birth fathers have in Georgia?

Adopting your stepchildren can strengthen the ties of your Georgia family and give those children the security they need after being involved in their parents’ divorce. However, before the adoption process can begin, you and your spouse may require consent from one or more parties. American Adoptions notes that a Georgia birth father has several rights when

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Dividing qualified assets in a divorce requires tax planning

When divorce involves the division of qualified assets like an IRA, annuity or 401(k), spouses must consider tax implications. Kiplinger explains tax consequences that may influence how couples split qualified assets. Distributing IRA funds may trigger a penalty An IRA may be marital property if one spouse opened the account during marriage or made contributions with

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Identifying financial discrepancies in a divorce

Money often plays a central role in many a marital dispute. In some situations, it may even contribute to the irrevocable breakdown of a marriage. A spouse experiencing this should pay close attention to their partner’s actions, especially if they suspect some assets are being hidden. Today’s electronic world may make it easier for some

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