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High-asset Divorce

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Dividing qualified assets in a divorce requires tax planning

When divorce involves the division of qualified assets like an IRA, annuity or 401(k), spouses must consider tax implications. Kiplinger explains tax consequences that may influence how couples split qualified assets. Distributing IRA funds may trigger a penalty An IRA may be marital property if one spouse opened the account during marriage or made contributions with

Dividing qualified assets in a divorce requires tax planning Read More »

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Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and wife reach divorce agreement

Some Georgia residents may be aware that the founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, is getting a divorce. The richest person in the world, Bezos is giving his wife 4 percent of the company stock. Their current value at around $35 billion makes her the world’s third-richest woman. If the settlement goes through as planned, it

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and wife reach divorce agreement Read More »