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What Should You Consider Keeping in Mind as You Prepare for a Divorce in the State of Georgia?

Preparing for Your Divorce Starting in January and continuing through March, attorneys see an uptick in the occurrence of divorce filings. Perhaps the holiday season pushed you to a final breaking point, or you were holding out on making a final decision for a couple of months until after the holidays passed. If divorce is

What Should You Consider Keeping in Mind as You Prepare for a Divorce in the State of Georgia? Read More »

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Couples who choose mediation control the outcome of their divorce

A traditional divorce in court is a process that takes place in public and at the end of it, the parties have to abide by the decisions of a judge. On the other hand, mediation offers privacy and other advantages including the ability of the couple to control the outcome of their divorce. Understanding the

Couples who choose mediation control the outcome of their divorce Read More »

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Nesting as an Option for Divorced Couples Considering Co-Parenting

What is Nesting? It is very common to end up with a co-parenting arrangement after a divorce. This is because co-parenting is usually in the best interest of the child. Even if the parents divorce and no longer cohabitate, having both parents actively involved with raising the child is usually best. However, moving the child

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What to know about concealed assets during divorce

In Georgia, nearly all property that either spouse acquires during marriage automatically becomes shared marital property. When a couple separates, marital property is subject to equitable distribution by the court, including vehicles, the family home, bank accounts and investments, regardless of whose name is on a title or account.  Unfortunately, when a divorce is contentious,

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