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Contested And Uncontested Divorce

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Study finds student loan debt can strain marriages

People in Georgia who carry large amounts of debt, including student loan debt, may be more vulnerable to divorce than those who are debt-free. Three times more people have more than $50,000 in student loan debt than they did a decade ago. The average student loan balance of $34,000 is 62% higher than it was

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Insurance that may be needed after a divorce

Some people in Georgia who are getting a divorce may need to get new medical and life insurance. Often, higher-earning spouses have the lower-earning spouse on an employer-sponsored health insurance plan. The spouse may have the option to extend the plan through COBRA, but this is both temporary and expensive. The Affordable Care Act may

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Claiming children as dependents on taxes after divorce

With the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Georgia parents can no longer use the personal exemption when filing their tax returns. However, they can take twice the amount for the child tax credit, $2,000 instead of $1,000, along with the Dependent Care Credit. Problems may arise if the parents are divorced and

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What may happen to a business in a divorce

When Georgia entrepreneurs start a business, they can include language in the company’s organizing documents that specifies that if there is a divorce, the business cannot be transferred to their spouse. However, if the person has already started the business, a pre- or post-nuptial agreement may also offer protection. The agreement can establish that the

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