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Signs that predict divorce

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While most couples in the Atlanta area do not enter into a marriage thinking that there is a good chance it will end in divorce, statistics show that divorce is common. There are numerous reasons why marriages end, but there are certain signs that experts determine to be main predictors of divorce.

According to CNN, age plays a big role in predicting divorce. Couples who marry, or live together, at an earlier age are more prone to divorce. Couples who are religious and/or have higher educational degrees have a better chance of staying together. Marriages in which one or both partners have been unfaithful tend to be more prone to end, as are those in which there is emotional instability.

While certain behaviors may play a role in ending a marriage, PsychCentral discusses four things, known as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, that consistently predict divorce. Contempt is the worst of all of them, and this includes anything that intends to insult and attack the other’s self-worth. Examples of this behavior include harmful sarcasm, name calling, mocking, sneering or rolling of the eyes.

Stonewalling is another divorce predictor. This happens when someone either emotionally or physically withdraws from a difficult conversation. Behaviors may include walking away, complete silence, one-syllable answers or changing the subject.

Defensiveness may occur when someone feels he or she is under attack. This behavior takes numerous forms, such as counter complaining, acting like a victim, excuse-making or yes-butting. The final horseman is criticism. It implies the other person is wrong, and it often includes attacking the other’s character.

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