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Child Custody Matters

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The challenge of summer co-parenting

Summer can be the most challenging time for separated or divorced parents sharing custody of their kids. The school year has a fairly fixed schedule. However, once the kids are off for several months, the usual custody schedule isn’t going to work. If you’re still working out your custody agreement and parenting plan (or maybe haven’t even […]

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Improving child health and safety while co-parenting

Co-parenting children is one type of custody arrangement that people use after a divorce. Both parents are fully involved in raising the children. The adults communicate frequently to ensure that the children have everything they need, but it’s possible that some points may slip through the cracks. The goal of co-parenting is to allow the

Improving child health and safety while co-parenting Read More »

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What is the difference between legal and physical custody?

When parents with young children split up, they have to find a way to share parental responsibilities. In some cases, parents can reach a mutually agreeable decision regarding how they divide their responsibilities and parenting time. Other times, it will be necessary for a Georgia family law judge to look at information about the family

What is the difference between legal and physical custody? Read More »

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Could a 60-40 split be the best way to share child custody?

When divorcing parents want to share custody of their children, a 50-50 split might seem like the way to go. However, it often isn’t practical. One parent may have a very structured workweek and/or possibly regularly work late into the evening. That would mean their child would need to spend part of their time with

Could a 60-40 split be the best way to share child custody? Read More »

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How do Georgia courts know what is in a child’s best interests?

The best interests of the child is a phrase used frequently during divorce and child custody procedures. There is no one method of determining a child’s best interests. Instead, courts look at many factors to make this determination. If you are like many other parents in Atlanta, Georgia, you may wonder how a stranger can

How do Georgia courts know what is in a child’s best interests? Read More »