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Child Custody Matters

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Tips for parents helping children find stability after divorce

Georgia parents who are getting a divorce can help their children adjust by disrupting their routine as little as possible. If the kids are going back and forth between households, parents can agree on a set of rules and consequences. A child should be allowed to stay in the same school if possible. Relationships with […]

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How custody is awarded in an immigration case

Roughly 20 percent of children are being raised by an extended family member who is an immigrant, according to a new report. In many cases, aunts, uncles and grandparents are raising children in Georgia because their parents were deported. Therefore, they may face the challenge of raising a minor who is emotionally scarred. They may

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How parents may benefit from sharing custody

When Georgia parents divorce, they might share physical custody of their children. This might be by mutual agreement, or it might be a judge’s decision following a custody hearing. Either way, parents might find themselves struggling with this new arrangement. However, there may be some advantages to joint custody. Parents may find that it is

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What happens during a child custody court hearing

Georgia parents who are preparing to participate in a child custody hearing might be curious as to what to expect during the hearing. Their concerns might include how to dress, how to prepare and what will actually happen the day of the court appearance. The first thing they should know is that child custody court hearings tend

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