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Making co-parenting work during the summer months

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Georgia parents no longer living together often face some unique problems as they attempt to successfully juggle parenting responsibilities. One potentially troublesome time is during the summer months when kids are out of school and their schedules are more flexible. But summer co-parenting doesn’t have to be a challenge if parents take the right steps to make such arrangements work.

When creating child custody and visitation arrangements appropriate for summer, parents are advised to cooperate and communicate as much as possible. This process typically involves coordinating plans before summer begins and letting the children know what those plans are to minimize stress for everyone. One way to avoid confusion with schedules is to have a physical calendar in each household. As children get older, it may also be necessary for parents to reevaluate summer co-parenting plans as kids begin to explore different activities and interests.

Positive regard for the other parent is also important, which is why parents are advised to be respectful of one another as summer plans take effect. This means that each parent makes an honest assumption that the other one is doing the best they can. Summer co-parenting may be less stressful if parents get on the same page with their expectations for their child’s behavior. Doing so can also make the back-and-forth transition between homes easier. Finally, divorced parents are encouraged to keep the big picture in mind and remember that summer arrangements are temporary and should be made in the best interest of the children.

Should parents reach an impasse with summer plans, a divorce attorney may recommend impartial mediation or parental counseling. With instances where scheduling conflicts are due to limitations with visitation arrangements, an attorney might attempt to work out a mutually acceptable adjustment. If this isn’t possible, another option is to petition the court to modify a custody or visitation order.

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