Delivering clarity for families during uncertain times

Job loss, financial obligations and family law

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Recently, many Americans have become increasingly concerned about losing their job and some have already lost their positions. Unfortunately, the loss of a job results in many hardships, especially from a financial point of view. Setting aside stress, depression and career challenges, the financial impact of temporary and long-term job loss is often devastating. Moreover, this is especially true for those who have financial obligations related to family law, such as non-custodial parents who have to make child support payments and those who are required to pay alimony. 

When a father loses his job, many different concerns surface. Some worry about how their circumstances will affect their ability to raise their children, whether they have sole custody or share custody with their child’s other parent. Moreover, non-custodial parents experience many problems when they cannot make child support payments any longer. The threat of arrest, overwhelming negative emotions, financial penalties such as the confiscation of tax refunds and even the inability to obtain a passport are some of the problems that parents have to face when they fall behind on their child support. 

Fortunately, options are available for many people in this position. For example, some have the ability to modify their child support or spousal support order. This makes payments more tolerable and helps prevent the aforementioned hardships associated with delinquency. Before attempting to modify a child support order, it is imperative to review the various requirements and prepare carefully. Our blog covers other topics related to family law and please take a moment to browse through relevant parts of our website. 

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